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"Girls Like That"

Writer: Evan Placey

Director: Esther Baker 

Workshop Leader: Clare McKenna


Synergy Theatre Project works towards rehabilitation and resettlement with prisoners, ex-prisoners and young people at risk of offending through theatre and related activities whilst placing the wider issues surrounding criminal justice in the public arena.



Work is founded on the belief that theatre can be transformative and challenges perceptions of both prisoners and society, building a more positive future, while being committed to artistic excellence.



Clare has been creating and facilitating workshops for Synergy in relationship to their production Girls Like That which played at The Unicorn and hen toured schools.


She has also been delivering workshops to PRU students, Young Offenders in NOM's and is curriently developing workshops to be delivered in prisions.


As well as delivering workshops, Clare also mentors ex-prisioners. Developing their skills as workshop facilators. 


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